The DISPLACED exhibition was on show in different Swiss museums from October 2016 to January 2020. A total of 100,000 people and more than 1,800 school classes visited the exhibition. The exhibition is now available as digital installation and invites you to use its virtual teaching method “DISPLACED”.
Displacement affects everyone, especially young people. Our interesting learning module aims to help pupils deal with this complex topic.
We look forward to your feedback. For further information please contact us:
Programme Lower and Upper Secondary
Teaching curricula:
Lower Sec - on this level, displacement can be linked to geography and history, democracy and human rights education as well as to the ethics-religion-community.
Upper Sec - this level deals with ethics (ethical behaviour, conflict of values, ethical decisions) as well as identity and socialisation (autonomy and affiliations to social groups, recognising other cultural realities, openness and tolerance).
The four modules comprise a general entry setting to the topic of displacement, various assignments related to various selected stories of displaced persons, information and assignments surrounding Switzerland’s asylum procedures as well as a final setting on the topic of integration. The modules were developed in cooperation with a working group of the Pedagogical Institute in St Gallen. The didactic assignments have been designed for the students to work with digital platforms and note down their findings at the same time. Most assignments are carried out in cooperative learning situations. They encourage discussions and reflections and provide for a more profound content.
Digital installation clic here
Programme Primary Level
Teaching curricula: NMG. 2nd cycle; BNE, 2nd cycle
This unit is based on the walks and materials designed for the DISPLACED exhibition. It has been further developed as a separate teaching unit together with Ms Gaby Fierz, curator, cultural mediator and ethologist of Fierz Cultural Projects.
In the course of the four modules, the pupils will immerse themselves in the topic of displacement. They first experience the issue through a personal item. “Which piece of my home would I take if I had to leave?”. The pupils know the reasons for displacement, the contexts as well as the items of the five protagonists of the digital installation. This programme allows pupils to familiarise themselves with the situations of people who had to flee their homes and puts their own world into perspective.
Displacement is an emotional subject. Mano Khalil’s film is moving. As a teacher, you will be able to judge whether the film is suitable for all of your pupils.
Digital installation clic here
Further Teaching materials
Project Humanity: Humanity can be learned
More information (German or French)
«Aufbrechen – Ankommen – Bleiben»
Unterrichtsdossier(German only)
Workshops on various topics will follow
Rap like rapper Greis
Are you also a rapper, or would you like to give it a try? Write your own rap song on the subject of FLUCHT and send it to us ( email ). We will gladly upload the song here on the website.
The most famous Swiss rapper Greis has also recorded a song to draw attention to the subject of flight. He provides the lyrics and music for the digital installation (copy of the lyrics and instrumental "Santa Maria" by Greis in the school dossier).
As inspiration here is the video clip of the song in German and French.