The Rohingya in Bangladesh: growing tensions
About a million Rohingya have lived in Bangladesh since 2017. The solidarity initially displayed by the Bangladeshis has given way to fatigue. The Rohingya are in danger of being caught in the middle.
Ukraine, special mission
On 9 August, the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) was involved in the evacuation of 36 children whose orphanage in Mariupol was completely destroyed by the war.
War in Ukraine: help on the ground
Since the start of the war, humanitarian workers and volunteers have been at the forefront of the humanitarian response, giving their all to help the affected population.
Global Trends - UNHCR report 2020
UNHCR is urging world leaders to step up their efforts to foster peace, stability and cooperation in order to halt and begin reversing a decade of surging displacement driven by violence and persecution.
70 years UNHCR
UNHCR and the 1951 Refugee Convention will celebrate their 70th anniversary in 2021. On this occasion, the UNHCR office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein is planning several activities for these celebrations.
"So I can forget the misery for a little while"
In the night of 9 September 2020, a fire almost completely destroyed the massively overcrowded camp of Moria, which had been in existence for five years on the Greek island of Lesbos.
Addressing the needs of displaced people
More than 1.5 milion Venezuelans have fled to Colombia over the last few years putting enormous pressure on the country’s already strained resources.
Asylum statistics 2019
Switzerland received 14,269 asylum applications in 2019, 6.5% fewer than in the previous year. This is the first decrease since 2007.
FOGO – Coexistence 2.0
New and innovative forms of collaboration and coexistence in Zurich: FOGO unites refugees and students in a new space of business and cultural activities.
Global Refugee Forum – solidarity in protecting refugees
The first Global Refugee Forum taking place in Geneva on 17–18 December 2019 is a key opportunity to implement the Global Compact on Refugees.
Water in crisis – from Bangladesh to St Gallen's schools
As a well-known saying goes: ‘There is no life without water’, however, without clean water, adequate hygiene and effective sanitation, life cannot develop either.
New asylum procedure
The new, rapid asylum procedures are in the interest of the population, the authorities and the asylum seekers.
Lebanon – equal opportunities for all!
The Principality of Liechtenstein and Switzerland join forces to assist the poorest in Beirut.
Asylstatistik 2018
Im Jahr 2018 wurden in der Schweiz 15 255 Asylgesuche gestellt, 15,7 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahr. Letztmals wurden 2007 weniger Asylgesuche gestellt.
Medienmitteilung des Bundesrates zur Aufnahme von Flüchtlingsgruppen
Die Schweiz wird 2019 eine Gruppe von 800 besonders schutzbedürftigen Flüchtlingen aufnehmen, namentlich Opfer des Syrienkonflikts.
Education in crisis situations
Access to a good-quality education is important even in emergency situations
Asylstatistik 2017
Im Jahr 2017 wurden in der Schweiz 18 088 Asylgesuche gestellt. Dies ist auf die nach wie vor zahlreichen Krisen- und Konfliktherde im Nahen Osten und auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent zurückzuführen.
Erfahrungsbericht: Bekämpfung von sexueller und geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt unter Flüchtlingen
Ein Interview mit Gina Bylang, SGBV-/Kinderschutzbeauftragte des UNHCR (entsandt durch das SKH).
As Europe refugee and migrant arrivals fall, reports of abuses, deaths persist
Zahl der Todesfälle und Misshandlungen unverändert.
War, violence, persecution push displacement to new unprecedented high
UNHCR’s new Global Trends report, the organization’s major annual survey of the state of displacement, says that at the end of 2016 there were 65.6 million people forcibly displaced worldwide.
"Skills for Life"-Projekt im Flüchtlingslager Kakuma in Kenia
Das Flüchtlingslager in Kakuma (Kenia) zählt aktuell 185'000 Flüchtlinge und ist somit eines der grössten der Welt.
Asylum statistics 2016
In 2016, Switzerland received 27,207 asylum applications. The main reason for this relatively high figure was the continuation of numerous crisis and conflict zones in the Middle East and on the African continent. Compared to 2015, this amo...
Fleeing and migrating
People leave their home countries for a variety of reasons, be it war, persecution, natural disasters or the dream of a better life – differing motives and narratives that have an impact on a person’s legal status on arrival in their destin...